Experts from around the world address the challenges of ecological restoration at the University of Alicante #SERE2021
The XII European Conference on Ecological Restoration will be held online
at the UA between September 7th and 10th
The meeting coincides with the discussion about a future European Restoration Law that the European Commission is developing within the framework of the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
Alicante (Spain) Monday, September 6, 2021
The meeting aims to discuss ecological restoration strategies and practices as an alternative to solve environmental problems and contribute to sustainable development during the 21st century, fundamental elements to meet the objectives of the main UN conventions in relation with climate change, desertification, and biodiversity. This XII Conference of the European Chapter of the International Society for Ecological Restoration (SER Europe) motto is “A new green deal for nature in Europe: science and political action towards socio-ecological restoration” and was planned as an person event in September 2020, but the pandemic forced a one-year delay and new online Conference format. It is organized by the Department of Ecology of the University of Alicante and the Multidisciplinary Institute for the Study of the Environment “Ramón Margalef”, with the support of various Institutions.
The Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition of the Regional Government of Valencia, Mireia Mollà, the Secretary of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition, Hugo Morán Fernández, and the Deputy Director of the European Commission DG Environment, Joanna Drake, will be in charge of opening a conference where close to 400 international experts will discuss current issues such as how to reverse water pollution, manage forests in a sustainable way to reduce wildfire vulnerability, mitigate climate change and adapt to its consequences, manage rivers to reduce the risk of floods, and recover degraded ecosystems to reduce risks to human health, among other timely issues.
Jordi Cortina-Segarra, professor of Ecology at the University of Alicante and president of SER Europe, points out that “within the framework of the European Biodiversity Strategy, the European Commission is currently discussing a future European restoration law, which will probably involve national plans for restoration”. In this sense, the UN has declared 2021-2030 the international decade of ecological restoration “which is a great opportunity to define future challenges, design strategies and expand the impact of this initiative, in line with the knowledge and debates to take place at this 12th SER Europe Conference” he says.
Cortina has pointed out that Alicante “being one of the driest areas in Europe, is especially vulnerable to climate change and desertification” and has pointed out that it has “a long tradition of ecological restoration that extends throughout the Iberian southeast”, such as forest restoration, creation of wetlands and quarry reclamation, among other initiatives, and has highlighted the involvement of the University of Alicante through research projects and agreements with environmental Departments, and public and private companies.
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